History and Mission

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The Libya Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS) was founded in 2012 in response to the need for quality, private education options in post-Revolution Libya. LIAS was conceived to overcome several specific challenges faced by Libyan higher education by providing:

  • Demand-driven executive training in public administration and policy for Libya’s current and future civil service leaders
  • Professional certification and training in Islamic finance and economics
  • Training on renewable energy technology and policy that will facilitate Libya’s economic diversification
  • Executive training for media and communications professionals
  • The country’s first Libyan Studies Program that will take a fresh look at Libya’s modern history and it’s veritable religious, social & cultural heritage.
  • The country’s first Security Studies Program that covers areas of security studies like national defense, human security & institutional reform
  • An affiliated mixed-use business incubator that will provide services to start-up companies with the intent of accelerating their growth
  • A venue for collective activities aimed at encouraging thinking, dialogue, brainstorming, and consultation

Dr. Aref Nayed was inaugurated as the first Chairman of the Board of LIAS in December 2012. In early 2014, LIAS hosted its first incoming class of students to its executive training programs.

Building the Future Libya

LIAS is committed to excellence in teaching, learning, and research. This commitment underpins our vision to operate a premier educational institute committed to building a prosperous Libya that provides exceptional education to all Libyans, allows them to reach their full potential, and preserves Libya’s heritage. LIAS’ mission is to educate and train Libya’s next generation of leaders through internationally recognized programs that prepare individuals to be active contributors to their communities and country. Delivering on LIAS’s noble mission involves:

Excellence in Teaching and Learning

  • Providing high-quality, internationally recognized programs that meet the needs of Libya and which are open to all Libyans
  • Ensuring academic programming focused on creating gainful employment for Libya’s youth and fostering socio-economic development
  • Offering a comprehensive learning experience by complementing academic programming with enriched learning opportunities that produce graduates who can contribute to their communities and nation
  • Forging an environment which embodies the open exchange of ideas and that provides an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and intolerance


Impactful Research

  • Encouraging the development of interdisciplinary and multi-institutional research projects
  • Pinpointing technological and socio-economic challenges in the business world and public sector that could benefit from applied research and technical advisory
  • Generating and preserving knowledge and understanding of Libya’s heritage


Community Outreach and Service

  • Providing an outlet for Libyans living abroad to contribute their skill sets in the reconstruction efforts of the country
  • Increasing collaboration with industry, government, and other post-secondary institutions
  • Supporting partnerships for research, continuing education, and resource sharing to achieve common goals that assist individuals, institutions, and communities in responding to a continuously changing Libya

Welcome to the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS), Libya’s first private institute of learning to be launched at this critical time in Libya’s history.

Let’s build a stable, democratic, and prosperous Libya

Our downtown campuses offer state-of-the-art centers for teaching in the center of Tripoli