Advanced English Writing Course
5-Day Course (10 hours study)
Starting day: 03/07/2022
Ending day: 07/07/2022
Timing 17:00 – 19:00
Learning Outcomes:
1-Basics of Paragraphs.
2-Fundamentals of Essay Writing.
3-Essay Planning.
4-Build Academic Vocabulary.
5-Develop Grammar for Writing.
Advanced writing course in English
5-day course (10 study hours).
First day of the course: 07/03/2022
Expires on: 07/07/2022
Timing: from five in the evening to seven in the evening
Educational outcomes of the training course:
1- The basics of writing paragraphs.
2-Principles of writing articles.
3-How do you plan to write an article?
4- Building academic vocabulary.
5-Developing grammatical rules for writing.
The course begins next Sunday (3-7-2022)
Location: Tripoli
Time: five o’clock in the evening
Price: Free
Register via the link: