Announcement of the course “A Bag of 10 Million Scientific References”

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Announcement of the course “A Bag of 10 Million Scientific References”

◇◇◇◇(( A bag of 10 million scientific references )) ◇◇◇◇

A comprehensive bag to provide millions of references in all scientific disciplines

📍 Target Audience
🖋 University and institute students
🖋 Master’s degree students
🖋 PhD students
🖋 Those interested in scientific research

📍 Contents of the bag
✒ The importance of scientific reference for scientific study
✒ The [8] methods used to search for scientific references
✒ Approved scientific search engines for searching scientific references
✒ Open international and Arab platforms for downloading millions of scientific references.
✒ Approved websites for translating scientific references correctly and scientifically
✒ Use cloud storage to store scientific references.

📍 The results of the bag and its benefits for trainees
🖍 The trainee’s ability to provide millions of scientific references for himself
🖍 Measuring the trainee’s ability before and after the course to determine the extent of the academic benefit he has achieved.
🖍 The trainee receives a CD containing the entire curriculum in Word & PowerPoint format, containing dozens of scientific websites to obtain scientific references with ease in any scientific specialty.
📍 The number of hours
🖊 9 hours for 3 days, with an average of 3 training hours per day
From 16:00 to 19:00 pm
16/17/15 January 2022 AD