The Libya Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS) participated in a workshop on “Stabilization and Development for Libya: Challenges and Opportunities” held in Berlin on March 16, 2016, by special invitation of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung – BMZ), which organized the event.
The aim of the workshop were to gather insight, research and analysis on major political, social and economic challenges facing Libya in order to identify needs, opportunities and areas of cooperation for Germany to engage with the country to support the process of stabilization and development. Participants, comprised of the Ministry and Libyan and international partners, outlined steps to be to taken.
Mohamed Htewish, LIAS Country Director in Tunisia, spoke on the subject of peace and justice in Libya and the immense challenges to peace since the 2011 revolution and from the 2014 armed political conflict that has fragmented the country.
The workshop was conducted in the form of a roundtable discussion on Libya’s development challenges based on inputs from government, international organizations and civil society actors, followed by break out group sessions focusing in more depth on specific cooperation issues.