Naguib Al-Hasadi: A Scientific Biography
Personal Data:
Name: Najib Al-Mahjoub Abdul Rahman Al-Hasadi (Derna / August 25, 1952)
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: 00218922371401
Academic data:
Academic degree: Doctorate/Degree: Professor (since 1996)
General specialty: Philosophy
Detailed specialty: Logic and philosophy of science
Master’s degree-granting university (1): Georgetown, Washington, D.C. C, USA 1977
Master’s degree-granting university (2): Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States 1979
Doctorate awarding university: Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States 1982
Doctoral dissertation topic: Scientific rationality: Criticism of Thomas Kuhn’s conception of scientific rationality
(Scientific Rationality: A Critique of Thomas Kuhn’s Account of Science)
Administrative data:
Head of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Qar Younis University, Benghazi, Libya, in the second third of the 1990s.
Head of the Department of Philosophy, College of Humanities, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates 2001-2005
Associate Dean of the Heritage and Culture Unit, College of Humanities, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates 2003-2004
Chairman of the Graduate Studies Committee, College of Human Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates 2002-2004
Head of the National Translation Centre, Libya since 2013
Teaching experience:
Teaching the subjects “Symbolic Logic”, “Critical Thinking”, “Scientific Research Skills”, “Fundamentals of Scientific Research”, “Philosophy of Science” and “Foreign Terms” since 1983 at Qar Younis University (Benghazi).
Teaching critical thinking in 2006-2007 at the United Arab Emirates University in English.
Teaching philosophy of science at the graduate level.
Scientific messages:
3 Master’s theses in Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Arts, Qar Yunis University (supervisor)
Master’s thesis on Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language: Faculty of Arts, Kuwait University (external reader)
Master’s thesis in political philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Qar Yunis University (discussed)
Master’s thesis in logic, Faculty of Arts, Qar Yunis University (discussed)
Master’s thesis in Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya (discussed)
Master’s thesis in Existentialism, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya (discussed)
Doctoral dissertation in the philosophy of science, University of Benghazi, Libya (discussed)
Evaluation of the graduate program in the Department of Philosophy at Kuwait University in 2003.
Head of the Culture and Science Sector in the committee that prepared “Libya Vision 2025” and “Libya Vision 2040,” which were supervised by the National Planning Council in Libya.
Consultant for the “Role of Law in Reconciliation” project and the “Facilitating Justice” project at the Center for Law and Society Studies at the University of Benghazi.
Membership in scientific and cultural committees:
President of the Libyan Philosophical Society
Active member of the Arab Thought Forum, Amman, Jordan
Member of the League of Authors and Writers, Libya
Member of the Arabic Language Academy, Libya
Scientific awards:
State Appreciation Award for Academic Studies, 2009
- “The Significance of Anomaly in Post-Positivistic Accounts of Science,” Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Issue 2, Volume 18, October 2002
- “The Nature of Philosophy,” Arab Culture Magazine, Year 30, Issue 9, 2003
- “Globalization: The Genetic Choice,” Arab Journal for the Human Sciences, Scientific Publishing Council, Kuwait, Issue 86, Spring 2004.
- “Philosophy in America at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century” (John Searle, translation), Nizwa, Oman, 2004.
- “Mercy Killing,” Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Issue 2, Volume 21, April 2005
- “Philosophical awareness and the future of philosophy in Libyan and Gulf universities,” Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Human Sciences, Dar Al-Ulum, Minya, March 2005.
- “False consciousness and moral relativism,” Arab Journal for the Humanities, Kuwait, Issue 91, Year 23, Summer 2005.
- “The Value of Science”, World of Thought, Kuwait, December 2006.
- “A Defense of Skepticism,” Arab Journal for the Human Sciences, Kuwait, 2008
- “Libyan Secrets”, Proceedings of the Sustainable Development Conference, Garyounis University, 2009
- “The phenomenon of inclusion and the issue of identity,” Proceedings of the Conference on the Intersection of Literary Genres, October 7 University, 2009
- “On the Greatest Reward”, Arab Journal for the Human Sciences, Kuwait, 2009
- “The timing of implementing the death penalty between the scenes of indolence and the torments of waiting,” Proceedings of the Conference on Philosophy and Human Rights, Cairo University, March 2010.
- “Valuable Pillars”, Studies in the Comprehensive Values Survey, Research and Consulting Center at the University of Benghazi, 2015.
- “Philosophical Precautions,” Studies in the Comprehensive Values Survey, Research and Consulting Center at the University of Benghazi, 2015.
- “Democratic Transition in Libya: Challenges, Outcomes, and Opportunities” (jointly with Zahi Al-Mughairbi), Democratic Transition Symposium, Arab Center for Policy Research and Studies, Tunisia, March 2015.
- “Coexistence of the Libyan with the foreign, gender, and religious other,” Coexistence in Libya and in other geographical fields, Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Tunisian National Archives on May 5-6, 2016, University of Tunis Publications, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016.
- The Role of Sharia in Legislation, Calibrating the Draft Libyan Constitution, Center for Law and Society Studies, University of Benghazi, 2017)
- “Libya, Where to: The Libyan Identity and the Libyans’ Chances of Achieving National Reconciliation and Building a Modern State,” National Identity: Dimensions and Components, Center for Law and Society Studies, University of Benghazi, 2019.
Published author books:
- Illusions of confusion (Qar Younis University, Libya, 1989)
- Praise for Knowledge (Qar Younis University, Benghazi, 1990)
- Nahj Al-Mahj (Dar Al-Jamahiriya for Publishing, Distribution and Advertising, Libya, 1991)
- Not by Reason Alone (Dar Al-Jamahiriya for Publishing, Distribution and Advertising, Libya, 1992)
- Standard Standard (Dar Al-Jamahiriya for Publishing, Distribution and Advertising, Libya, 1992)
- Foundations of Contemporary Symbolic Logic (Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Beirut, 1993)
- Prospective Horizons (Qar Yunis University, Libya, 1994)
- Explanation of Logic (Dar Al-Jamahiriya for Publishing, Distribution and Advertising, Libya, 1995)
- The Ego-Other Dialectic (International Publishing House, Cairo, 1996)
- Doubt in the sanctity of knowledge (Qar Younis University, Benghazi, 1998)
- Philosophical Issues (Dar Al-Jamahiriya for Publishing, Distribution and Advertising, Libya, 2004)
- Scientific Research Skills (with Khalaf Nassar and Bassam Atili) (UAE University, 2005)
- Transpiration of perfection (Creativity Development Council, 2008)
- Nostalgia: Articles, Studies, and Reviews (two parts) (Dar Al Hilal Foundation, 2013)
- He walks slowly and precedes us, (Al-Wasat Media Group, Al-Koun Library, Cairo, 2020)
- Critical Thinking Sensors, (Kalam Foundation for Research and Media, Amman, Jordan, 2020)
- The Book of Paradoxes (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2021)
- Studies in Moral and Scientific Awareness (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2021)
Published translated books:
- How do positivists view philosophy (Logical Positivism, J. Ayer) (Dar Al-Afaq, Morocco, 1994)
- Theory of Knowledge, R. Chisholm (International Publishing House, Cairo, 1996)
- Readings in the Philosophy of Science, B. Brody (Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Beirut, 1997)
- Men of Ideas, B. Magee (Qar Younis University, Libya, 1998)
- The Clone: The Road to Dolly and the Path Ahead, Gina Kolata (co-written with Balqasim Shteiwi) (General Administration of Higher Professional Institutes and Centers, Libya, 1998)
- Critically Thinking About Moral Issues, T. Will, (National Commission for Scientific Research, Libya, 2003)
- Introduction to Political Theory (co-authored with Zahi Al-Mughairbi) (Qar Yunis University Publications, 2003)
- From a Logical Point of View, W.V. Quine (Council for the Development of Cultural Creativity, Libya, 2004)
- Philosophical Problems of Natural Science, D. Shaper (National Authority for Scientific Research, Libya, 2004)
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, T. Honderich, (National Authority for Scientific Research, Libya, 2005)
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, Arthur Pap (General People’s Committee for Culture and Information, Tripoli, 2006)
- Body and Social Theory, C. Shilling (co-authored with Mona Al-Bahr) (Dar Al-Ain, Cairo, 2009)
- Uncertainty: The Struggle for the Soul of Science, D.Lindly (Dar Al Ain, Cairo, 2009)
- John Stuart Mill (Mill, Wendy Donner & Richard Fumerton) (National Center for Translation, Cairo, 2011).
- Medical Law, Bonnie F. Fremgan (National Center for Translation, Cairo, 2012)
- Kuhn Vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science, Steve Fuller (National Center for Translation, Cairo, 2012)
- The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas, Isaiah Berlin (National Center for Translation, Cairo, 2013)
- Introduction to Logic, Irving Copi, Carl Cohen (co-authored with Mahmoud Sayed) (Scientific Publishing Council, Kuwait University, 2013).
- Comparative Constitutions Project (jointly with others) (Research and Consultation Center, Benghazi, 2014)
- Is science devoid of values? Is Science Value Free? Values and Scientific Understanding, Hugh Lacey (National Center for Translation, Cairo, 2015)
- Science and Relativism: Fundamental Controversial Issues in the Philosophy of Science (Science and Relativism: Some Key Controversies in the Philosophy of Science, Larry Laudan) (jointly with Muhammad Ahmed Al-Sayed) (National Center for Translation, Cairo, 2015)
- Think, Simon Blackburn (Ministry of Culture Publications, Bahrain, 2016).
- The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge, Karl Popper (Dar Jadaul, Beirut, 2018).
- Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, M. Neil Brown & Stuart M. Keeley (shared with Muhammad Al-Sayed) (first edition, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution,
- Cairo, 2007, second edition) (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2019)
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, M. Murray and M. Rea (Kalam Foundation for Research and Media, Amman, Jordan, 2020)
- The Author’s Intention, J. Mitscherling, T. Ditommaso, A. Nayed, Lexington Books, Mar. USA (Kalam Foundation for Research and Media, Amman, Jordan, 2020).
- A Little History of Philosophy, N. Warbruton, University of Yale Press, New Haven, 2011 (special edition, 2020)
Enlightenment Contested (co-written with Zahi Al-Mughairbi) (Enlightenment Contested, J. Israel, Oxford University Press, 2006) (Kalam Foundation for Research and Media, Amman, Jordan, 2021) - Defending Science Withon Reason, S, Haack, Prometheus Books, NY, 2003 (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2021)
- The Culture Map, E. Meyer, Public Affairs, 2015 (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2021)
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, T. Honderich, 2015, (Ministry of Culture Publications, Bahrain, 2021)
- The Outer Limits of Reason, N. Yanofsky, 2013 (Ma’an Association, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2021).
- The Philosopher’s Toolkit, Peter S. Fosel and Julian Baggini, 2020 (Ma’an Association, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2021)
- Philosophy and Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophy (Philosophy and Philosophers, John Shand, UCL) (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2022)
- Hate, Politics, and Law: Critical Perspectives in Combating Hate (Hate, Politicsm LawL Critical Perspectives in Combacting Hate, ed. Thomas Brudholm and Birgitte Schepelem Johanson, Oxford University Press, 2018) (Kuwait)
Translated books in print
- A dozen modern philosophers (12 Modern Philosophers, C. Belshaw and Gary Kemp (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ltd., 2009) (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo)
- Theologians and Modernity (co-authored with Zahi Al-Mughairbi) (The Modern Theologians, David Ford ed.), University of Cambridge, 2001) (Kalam Foundation for Research and Media, Amman, Jordan)
- How Philosophy Works, Marcus Weeks, 2019 (Roya Publishing and Distribution, Cairo)
- The Critical Thinking Toolkit, Galen A. Foresman, et. al., 2017 (Ma’an Association, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
- The Epistemology of Reading and Interpretation, Rene van Woundenberg, Cambridge University Press, 2021 (Book Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
- Philosophy of Science A-Z, Sathis Psillos, Edinburgh University Press, 2007 (Tunisia)
- Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, R. Audi (ed.), 2015