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President of the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies at academic meetings in Washington

President of the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies at academic meetings in Washington

Prof. Dr. Aref Nayed, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies, and his accompanying delegation visited Washington, DC, concluded with academic meetings with research centers, including: the US Institute of Peace, the National Democratic Institute, and George Mason University. He appears in the picture with Prof. Dr. Marc Gobin...

Nayed at the reconciliation conference in Al-Bayda

Nayed at the reconciliation conference in Al-Bayda

شارك أ.د. عارف علي النايض، في الجلسة الافتتاحية للمؤتمر العلمي الأول (واقع المصالحة الوطنية في ليبيا: المعوقات والحلول)، تنظيم مركز السيد أحمد الشريف للدراسات والبحوث العلمية، جامعة السيد محمد بن علي السنوسي الإسلامية، والذي تمتد جلساته في الفترة من 9-11 يوليو 2023، في قاعة البرلمان الليبي بمدينة البيضاء، بمشاركة باحثين وأساتذة من مختلف مدن ليبيا.

President of the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies at academic meetings in Washington

President of the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies at academic meetings in Washington

Prof. Dr. concluded Arif Al-Nayed, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies, and his accompanying delegation visited Washington, DC, with academic meetings with research centers, including: the US Institute of Peace, the National Democratic Institute, and George Mason University. He appears in the picture with Prof. Dr. Marc Gobin...

Nayed Meets with Egyptian Delegation in Mauritania

Nayed Meets with Egyptian Delegation in Mauritania

Dr Aref Ali Nayed, Chairman of the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS), met at the residence of H.E. Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah in Nouakchott, the Egyptian delegation who participated in the Consultative Meeting in the capital city of Mauritania.