Recently published by the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies and the Kalam Foundation for Research and Media 2023 book: Genocide in Libya
Written by: Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Latif Hamida
Translated by: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zahi Bashir Al-Mughairbi
The book won the 2022 American Society for Maghreb Studies Prize
The book was published in English by Routledge in 2020, and was translated by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zahi Al-Mughairbi, published this year 2023.
It is available in English and Arabic on the Amazon platform, from here.
It is distributed in Cairo by Al-Koun Library, and in Libya, it is distributed by a group of different libraries throughout the country.
This book: Recovers the forgotten Libyan genocide, specifically the hidden history of the Italian Fascist gulags (1929-1934) through the oral testimonies of Libyan survivors. Through cross-cultural and comparative readings, this book links the Libyan genocide to the colonial roots of Holocaust and genocide studies.
Author: Prof. Dr. Ali Abdel Latif Hamida:
Professor and founding chair of the Department of Political Science at the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of New England, USA. His specialization is political theory, comparative politics and historical sociology. His research and academic interests focus on power, human agency, and resistance against colonialism in North Africa, especially modern Libya.
Translator: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zahi Bashir Al-Mughairbi:
Honorary Professor of Political Science at the University of Benghazi, specializing in comparative politics, studies of political culture, civil society, and public policy. He wrote and translated, alone or in collaboration with others, several books in his field of specialization and related fields.
Articles about the book:
نبذة عن الكتاب والمؤلف والمترجم، وفهرس الكتاب.
ليبيا المستقبل | قريباً.. الإبادة الجماعية في ليبيا (
ليبيا المستقبل | ترجمة كتاب الإبادة الجماعية في سبتمبر القادم (
كتاب د.علي عبد اللطيف ضمن قائمة أهم كتب التاريخ عالميا في 2020 – طيوب (
الدكتور علي حميدة يستلم جائزته لكتاب العام – صحيفة الصباح (
الجمعية الأميركية العلمية تمنح الأكاديمي الليبي علي عبداللطيف احميدة جائزة كتاب العام (
علي حميدة يستلم جائزته عن كتاب الإبادة الجماعية – طيوب (
لقاء خاص مع البروفيسور علي عبداللطيف أحميدة – طيوب (
Articles about the book: Genocide in Libya, by a group of writers, professors and experts:
الإرث الاستعماري للفاشية الإيطالية في ليبيا ( الأستاذ يونس أبو أيوب
ليبيا المستقبل | تاريخنا الذي يقارب أن يضيع! ( الأستاذ سالم الكبتي
ليبيا المستقبل | الحلم الإيطالي الملعون (الأستاذ المهدي الكاجيجي
عرض كتاب : الإبادة الجماعية في ليبيا : الشر، التاريخ الاستعماري المخفي ( د. يوسف الصواني.
أكاديمي ليبي: الإبادة الفاشية في ليبيا حقيقة تاريخية لكنها منسيّة لهذه الأسباب ( أصوات مغاربية
الإبادة الجماعية في ليبيا | الشرق الأوسط ( الأستاذ مأمون أفندي
الإبادة الجماعية في ليبيا ( الأستاذ مأمون أفندي
ماذا لو لم تحتلنا إيطاليا؟ – مدونة مالاخير (
أوروبا تقرأ «التاريخ الخفي للاستعمار الإيطالي في ليبيا» ( د. حميدة في ضيافة المركز الجامعي الأوربي متحدثا عن كتاب الإبادة الجماعية في ليبيا.
هذا الاعتذار.. لمن وعن ماذا؟ | صحيفة الرأي ( د.زيد حمزة
أهمية البحث في أعمال الإبادة الفاشية في ليبيا (الأستاذ عمر الككلي
ليبيا المستقبل | حبيبتي (45) الحاضر رهينة الماضي ( محمد نجيب عبد الكافي
إصدارات.. نظرة أولى ( الأستاذ غسان غائب
Book index:
Author Biography: Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Latif Hamida
Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science at the University of New England, Maine, USA.
He was born in the city of Wadan on November 25, 1953
His grandfather, Sheikh Ahmadah Al-Saghir Al-Sharif, is the sheikh of the Sanusi corner in Wadan and the teacher of the Holy Quran there.
His maternal grandfather was Ali bin Muhammad al-Senussi, one of the Mujahideen in the role of Abdul Jalil Saif al-Nasr and participated in many battles.
His father was one of the first teachers at Wadan Wa Zala School, then an employee in the Sabha Courts Administration.
Education and study:
Primary school at Wadan Primary School, then at Sabha Central School
Preparatory school at Ali bin Abi Talib Sabha School.
Secondary school at Sabha Secondary School.
The Holy Qur’an in Qaid Mosque in Sabha for 3 years.
Bachelor’s degree in political science from Cairo University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, 1976
English in Seattle
Master’s degree in political science from the University of Washington, 1982
Doctorate in Political Science from the University of Washington 1990
Jobs and business:
- He worked at Al-Mukhtar Insurance Company.
- He taught at Sebha University, then was sent on a mission to study African politics.
- Professor at St. Lawrence University, America.
- Professor at Whitman University, USA.
- Professor at the University of New England, America.
- Founder and Head of the Department of Political Science at the University of New England, America.
- He joined the Boy Scouts in middle school, was selected for the Libyan delegation, and traveled to several countries with it.
- He studied music in middle school and high school and was chosen for the school music team and played the trumpet
- He has written poetry and stories since high school and won several awards
- He mastered English and studied Italian and French
His areas of specialization:
Political theory, comparative politics, and historical sociology. His studies focus on issues of power, the state, and anti-colonial resistance movements in North Africa, especially in modern Libya.
His books, many of which include:
- Postcolonial Society and State 1995. Published by New York University Press.
- Marginalized Voices published in 2005.
- Bridges Across the Desert published in 2009.
- Post-Orientalism published in 2009
- The Libya We Do Not Know was published in 2014
He has also published many researches and studies in several international journals, and has participated in conferences, seminars and lectures at American and Canadian universities and universities in Europe and Africa.
Awards and Grants: He received several academic scholarships and awards, including:
- National Council for Research and Social Sciences Award.
- Philip Shehadeh Award in 1994
- Cass Keneally Award in Academic Excellence, University of New England, 2003
- Lodksi Chair Award in Academic Excellence and Scientific Research 2010-2011
- American Society for Maghreb Studies Award 2022