The mind is the basis of philosophical thinking, within the series of philosophy and religion. Delivered by Prof. Dr. Aref Ali Nayed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kalam Foundation for Research and Media Member of the Royal Al al-Bayt...
Author: Mohamed Ojil (Mohamed Ojil)
The Start of the Activities of the Good People’s Competition in Memorizing and Reciting the Holy Qur’an
The activities of the Good People’s Competition for memorizing and reciting the Holy Qur’an have begun In Al-Ziyadat Mosque, in the city of Bani Walid. At the level of cities: Bani Walid, Tarhuna, Masalata and Zliten. Under the slogan: (Read and rise). It continues on the 17th and 18th of Ramadan 1442 AH. Sponsored by...
رسالة بعنوان: مِنْ نوادر الرّمُوز والاختصارات في كُتب التراث
رسالة بعنوان: مِنْ نوادر الرّمُوز والاختصارات في كُتب التراث، للأستاذ عادل محمد مختار المغربي. وهي رسالة معنيّة – كما قال كاتبها- بالحديث عن : “الاختصارات والرموز والكلمات المنحوتة التي استعملها علماء الأكابر الأفذاذ في كتب العلم، ليختصروا على الطالب زمن التلقي، ويسهلوا عليه حفظ المسائل وضبطها. يقول الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي : “الكلام...
LIAS organized a meeting on the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day
On April 24, 2021, the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies organized a meeting on the Zoom platform on the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day, which falls on April 23 of each year. The meeting shed light on the challenges facing writers and authors, whether legal, procedural, or economic, laws and legislation and their...
Pauses with the Life of Professor Judge Ibrahim Bakir, May God have mercy on him
On April 21, 2021, the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies organized a lecture on the Zoom platform entitled: Pauses with the Life of Professor Judge Ibrahim Bakir, may God have mercy on him, prepared and delivered by Professor Muhammad Salem Al-Ajeel, on the occasion of: the anniversary of the death of the Mufti of Libya,...
Lecture: Glimpses from the Biography of Professor Abdul Rahman Al-Busiri
The Libya Academy for Advanced Studies organized a lecture on the Zoom platform, on Monday, April 19, 2021, titled: Glimpses from the biography of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Busiri Al-Ghadamsi On the occasion of: the anniversary of the death of the Chief Justice of Tripoli, Mr. Abd al-Rahman al-Busiri al-Ghadamsi, may God Almighty have mercy on...
LIAS organized a meeting on the occasion of International Day of Monuments and Archaeological Sites
On the evening of Sunday, April 18, 2021, the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies organized a meeting via the Zoom platform, on heritage and archaeological sites in Libya, on the occasion of: International Day of Monuments and Archaeological Sites, hosting a professor specializing in archaeology from Omar Al-Mukhtar University, and the meeting was moderated by...
A Panel Discussion: Election Entitlements and Consequences of Postponement
A panel discussion was held in the city of Benghazi on Wednesday morning, April 7, 2021, entitled: Election entitlements and consequences of postponement, sponsored by the Libya Institute for Advanced Studies, and with the participation of a group of professors, experts, youth, and members of the December 24 Movement. The meeting was divided into two...
Lecture: Manuscripts in Libya “Past, Present and Future”
The Libya Academy for Advanced Studies organized a lecture on the ZOOM platform entitled: Manuscripts in Libya “Past, Present, and Future,” delivered by Professor Muhammad Salem Al-Ajeel, on the occasion of Arab Manuscript Day. He talked about the catalogs of manuscripts in Libya, their evaluation, statistics, and some observations about the sciences they contain, which...
LIAS Organized a Panel Discussion: Children’s Literature in Libya
The Libya Institute for Advanced Studies organized a discussion panel entitled: Children’s Literature in Libya, on the Zoom platform, on April 2, 2021, on the occasion of International Children’s Book Day, with the participation of a group of ladies and gentlemen interested in children’s books, moderated by Professor Sami Al-Jawadi. And an attempt to review...