Author: Mohamed Ojil (Mohamed Ojil)

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An invitation to attend a course in advanced writing in the English language

An invitation to attend a course in advanced writing in the English language

Advanced English Writing Course 5-Day Course (10 hours study) Starting day: 03/07/2022 Ending day: 07/07/2022 Timing 17:00 – 19:00 Learning Outcomes: 1-Basics of Paragraphs. 2-Fundamentals of Essay Writing. 3-Essay Planning. 4-Build Academic Vocabulary. 5-Develop Grammar for Writing. Advanced writing course in English 5-day course (10 study hours). First day of the course: 07/03/2022 Expires on:...

LIAS organized a symposium: The role of women in the family and society

LIAS organized a symposium: The role of women in the family and society

Yesterday, Saturday, the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies organized a symposium entitled: The role of women in the family and society, with a diverse presence of women. During the symposium, many topics of concern to women, the problems they face professionally and in the family, and how to improve them were discussed. The following topics...

Conclusion of the free training course for preparing research and graduation projects

Conclusion of the free training course for preparing research and graduation projects

Last Thursday, the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies office in Bani Walid concluded a free training course for preparing research and graduation projects for university and higher institute students. The four-day course targeted a group of students from various higher education institutions in the city. The course was presented by: Dr. Shweiter Muammar Supervised by:...

LIAS organized a workshop entitled: Psychological Roots

LIAS organized a workshop entitled: Psychological Roots

Today, Saturday, the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies organized a workshop in its office in Bani Walid entitled: Psychological Roots. Presented by Ms. Zahra Misbah (trainer and psychological expert). The workshop presented a set of topics on decision-making, certainty, reason, and focus, and referred to psychological problems and their effects on the individual and society,...

LIAS honors Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Jadallah for obtaining his Second Doctorate

LIAS honors Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Jadallah for obtaining his Second Doctorate

LIAS  honors Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Gadallah Last night, the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies held a ceremony honoring Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Jadallah, on the occasion of his obtaining his doctorate degree from Zaytouna University. He gave Dr. Ahmed Jadallah presented a copy of his thesis to the President of the Libya Academy for Advanced Studies,...